
Jinguang Han is a professor at the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. He obtained his PhD degree from University of Wollongong, Australia, in 2013. His research interests include cryptography, access control, blockchain, privacy-preserving systems, cloud computing and network security. He is a senior member of ACM and IEEE, and a member of IACR. Prior to joining Southeast University, he worked in Queen's University Belfast, UK, University of Surrey, UK, etc

He has published more than 50 refereed journal and conference papers, including IEEE TPDS, IEEE TC, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TSC, ESORICS, etc. He was a program committee co-chair of ProvSec'16, FCS'19 and SPNCE'20, and served as a program committee member of serveral international conferences, including ACISP'23, ISC'22, SecureCom'21, ESORICS'20, ICICS'19, PST'18, CANS'17, GlobeCom'16, AsiaCCS’15, etc. He is an associate editor of Soft Computing (SOCO) and an academic editor of Security and Communication Network (SCN). He served as a guest editor of  IEEE Transactions on Emering Topics in Computing (TETC), Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), International Journal of Information Security (IJIS), etc.